Southwest Engineers offers unique cleaning agents for the petroleum, petrochemical, airline, metalworking, and food processing industries.
Products are designed using a surfactant system that has been formulated into Cleaning In Place (CIP) cleaners and descalers.
The surfactant system is what makes these products unique. This multifunctional cleaning system has also been utilized in specially designed
descaler and deruster products.
Southwest Engineers sells these products under the following labels:
Disperse 205
Stationary equipment, chillers and radiators
Disperse 206
Scale and tar cleaner as well as C.I.P. cleaner for food and fertilizer plants
Disperse 207
Heavy-duty, non-caustic degreaser and non-emulsifying deoiler
Disperse 208
Heavy-duty neutral degreaser for bilge water separators
Disperse 209
Heavy-duty caustic based degreaser for the bakery and food industry, and heavy petroleum-asphalt cleaning
Foaming coil cleaner (alkaline based)
All these products are biodegradable. Disperse 207, 208, and 209 have been certified by the USDA for use in government-inspected meat, poultry and egg processing plants.